Mid Winter – and I’m already thinking about the kayaking season ahead. There will be a few winter paddles, but much shorter and calmer than the play we can do in the summer. I’m taking the time to go through and organize my gear, make repairs, and essentially get ready for Spring. I’m also planning classes and trips for the upcoming season. I have classes scheduled through October. While I’m waiting for warmer weather, I will be working in the pool maintaining my roll and working with others to learn to roll.
Most of my teaching is with Cross Currents Sea Kayaking, but I still have openings for other events or custom classes. Featured classes this year will be Navigation, both a classroom session and on water, another Women’s Weekend, and a new class, Surf Sisters, a rough water and surf class for women. Of course there is the popular Kiptopeke Symposium in September and I will be assisting or just tagging along with the Unconscious Competence Series, both run by Cross Currents Sea Kayaking.
Of course I have some personal training sessions scheduled. I’m doing the Matanzas Inlet Rough Water Training in February with Dale Williams and the East Coast Paddlesports Festival.
Winter is a quiet time, but there is still a lot to do.