Matanzas for Feb 2020

St Augustine, Fl

My apologies for the late email. It's past time to officially announce Matanzas for Feb 2020. The extra course we ran in November has left me a wee bit behind schedule. So, the course dates are 15-20 Feb. The cost is $750 for the six days or $150/day, three days...

The Gathering at Chincoteague: Paddling, Lighthouses and Ponies

In past years, the extremely popular spring “Gathering” has been held at Onancock and Tangier Island. This year we are heading somewhere totally new, namely Chincoteague!  And we will have a new, exciting set of fabulous instructors and trip leaders including James Kesterson, Jeff Atkins, Ashley Brown, Paula Hubbard. Mike...

Introduction to Rocks and Ledges

Newport Rhode Island

Join us on this very exciting and challenging course during which we will learn all the basic strategies for dealing with swell as it meets  dramatic rocky shorelines and islands. It is just too much fun! This is a three-day course. The first day (Fri) will focus on practicing the...