Kayak Navigation Class is Scheduled

The 2019 Navigation Classroom has been scheduled.  This will be a one day introduction to the concepts of kayak navigation.  We include using charts to plan trips, identify hazards, and determine where we are.  We also discuss tides and currents, weather, wind and waves; all things that can have an…

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Paddlefloat Rescues

There has been a lot of debate regarding the use of the paddlefloat in self rescues.  I continue to teach the paddlefloat reentry and consider it a valuable addition to my toolkit.   For beginners, learning a paddlefloat reentry is a valuable confidence builder.  When I was a beginner, discovering that…

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The Website is Back!

After a long and painful process, I’ve finally moved my website and email to a new hosting service.  Please excuse errors and broken links, it’s still work in progress and will be undergoing several updates in the next few weeks.  I’m planning on using this site to manage resources that…

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